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What is Barak valley Cements Ltd share price?

Company’s Total Operating Revenue is Rs. 172.73 Cr. and Equity Capital is Rs. 22.16 Cr. for the Year ended 31/03/2022. Barak Valley Cements Ltd. share price moved up by 4.73% from its previous close of ₹51.56. Last traded price is ₹54.00.

What is the market cap of Barak Valley stock?

Within the Cement sector, Barak Valley stock has a market cap rank of 29. Barak Valley has a market cap of Rs 110.14 Cr. 3. What is 52 week high/low of Barak Valley share price?

Where is Barak Valley located?

The Barak Valley (Bengali: বরাক উপত্যকা) (also South Assam) is located in the southern region of the Indian state of Assam. The main city of the valley is Silchar. The region is named after the Barak river. The Barak valley mainly consists of three administrative districts of Assam State - namely Cachar, Karimganj, and Hailakandi.

Who are the peers of Barak Valley?

Top 3 Peers for Barak Valley are Burnpur Cement Ltd., Star Cement Ltd. and Nuvoco Vistas Corporation Ltd. 5. Who is the Chief Executive Officer of Barak Valley?

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